This website is promoted by Sheridan Tranter, St Martins, Old Worcester Road, Hartlebury, Worcestershire DY11 7XQ
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A5 Leaflet

Thank you for taking the time to visit this webpage which I hope you will find informative and also help you understand what I have to offer the community of Hartlebury both as a District and Parish Councillor.

As you will be aware as an independent I do not have a press office, but I do have a number of dedicated individuals and I thank them for their help and support.

Please take the time to look at the links below to see the contribution I have made to the Parish over a number of years – I hope it demonstrates to you the passion I have for improving the community in which we all live.  

This site will be updated over the next few days so please bookmark and view again.

I have run my own IT business for 14 years and I like to 
give people help with Internet safety
So please use the link opposite Left mouse click, link to ""

Your new Parish Council

Please use the link opposite.  I am delighted that we

have a newly elected Parish Council which consists

of a group of individuals who are committed to driving

the Parish forward for the good of its community.  It is

also pleasing, and important, that we now have a

representative from Summerfield – I have always felt it important for all areas of the Parish to be represented and I have worked hard over the last couple of months to make this happen.

I feel strongly that the Parish Council should engage with its community – it is you we represent and that is the reason why I want to actively encourage people to come along to Parish Council meetings.  We only know your concerns if you tell us – and we are keen to listen and to help in any way we can. Please remember, we are your representatives and we are acting on your behalf.  By being elected

as your District Councillor I can then take your concerns to the District

Council to make sure that ‘your’ voices are heard and represented.

Your new Parish Council, of which I am a member, is committed to

working hard on your behalf.   

Opposite is a link to “The good councillor’s guide” to aid anyone

who may be interested in becoming a councillor.

What is a Parish Plan and why is it so important?

The Localism Act 2011 gives members of the public extra rights through the

Neighbourhood Plan.  However, we first of all need to develop an effective Parish Plan which will enable us to secure better funding which we can then use to improve facilities within the Parish, and to the benefit of you all. We know of other Parish Councils who already have their plans in place – we should have completed ours a long time ago and it is now time to put that right.  One of my priorities will be to get this Plan completed so we can start seeing the benefits here in Hartlebury.

Why Independent Uncontested Hartlebury Parish results 10th April 2015.jpg Left mouse click for a copy of "The good councillor guide" About Me Sheridan Tranter Your Independent
Candidate for Hartlebury 
Wychavon District Elections 7th May 2015

Left mouse to link to see PDF version of the Leaflet Home New Parish Council Parish Plan What will I do for You Left mouse click to send a message to Sheridan
Last up dated 05-05-2015